Into the Los Cerritos Wetlands

The Los Cerritos Wetlands are a refuge for plant species and animal species both residential and migratory. While being important for wetlands habitat, Los Cerritos is also located along the Newport–Inglewood fault, making it a prime location for mineral extraction. Additionally, the coastal adjacency currently aides the energy purposes of two power–plants outside of the conservation area. The history of Los Cerritos Wetlands is complex, reaching back to when the native peoples of the area, the Tong–va/Gabrielino tribe, identified the area as Povuu’nga, the origin for their creator–god, Chengiichngech.

After the Cabrillo Expedition of 1542 and the Vizcaino Expedition of 1602, Los Cerritos has had many land-owners utilizing the wetlands for various purposes (see the embedded timeline below for more detailed information). In 2015, the Los Cerritos Wetlands Authority (LCWA) adopted a Conceptual Restoration Plan to guide how to best restore the habitat while respecting the values of our human neighbors. Currently, the LCWA is in the process of creating more detailed restoration designs as part of a Program Environmental Impact Report.

See the map for the extent of the LCWA’s Conservation Area.
Map of Los Cerritos Wetlands Area (PDF)

Wetlands Timeline

(Open timeline in full screen mode by clicking the “wrench” icon in the right corner)